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Tag: thai boxing

muay thai

Why Muay Thai

Muay Thai stands out as a comprehensive and rewarding martial art. Here’s why you should consider training in Muay Thai:

Building Resilience

Change.  Many of us spend a great deal of time, money and energy trying to avoid it yet somehow it always seems to find us and often at the most inopportune time. It is an understatement to say the past few months have brought a lot of change for many people.  Some falter because of…
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A Dear Old Friend: The Heavy Bag

Such a simple tool.  Often taken for granted.  It’s not a fancy piece of equipment; a bag simply stuffed with a random assortment of things.  Hanging, waiting for someone to befriend it.  Regardless of how much you use it, how much you abuse it, how much you sweat on it; No emotion, no judgment.  Unconditional…
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