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Tag: muay thai

Building Resilience

Change.  Many of us spend a great deal of time, money and energy trying to avoid it yet somehow it always seems to find us and often at the most inopportune time. It is an understatement to say the past few months have brought a lot of change for many people.  Some falter because of…
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Don’t Take No For An Answer

The current quarantine has forced us to experience a lot of change and adapt our lives accordingly.  Since we stopped holding group classes at MAMA I’ve had significantly more free time in the evenings.  Consequently, I’ve also taken in a few more movies on Netflix than I normally would as well.  One in particular that…
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Just How Dedicated Are You?

Is your level of dedication on the brink of being maniacal? Maybe that’s where it needs to be to get what you ultimately want.

What did you expect?!

Put people in your life that are willing to check you on your understanding of reality. Temper your effort and your expectations will be realized.


Perspective is something skewed quickly and greatly; especially today with social media and real time access to information. Becoming an open book, selflessly sharing your knowledge and wisdom to help make people around you better humans and practitioners of the art is something every martial artist should look forward to doing.

Learning to Suffer Can Lead to Greater Things

We often hear the phrase the game is 90% mental.  Name the sport; players, coaches and sports psychologists will all generally agree that mindset and mental state trump physical prowess on the field of play.  A player who possess a killer instinct, doesn’t choke under pressure, and can seemingly block out distractions will triumph over…
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Instead of Goals, Raise Your Standards!

One of the most foundational principles in operations management is standardization. The more standardized a process is the more efficient it tends to be over the long haul in terms of time, money, and energy. In manufacturing, where products are mass produced, standardization is vital to maintaining high quality, eliminating waste (LEAN), and preventing defects…
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At the UNO’s College of Business Administration I teach an Operations Management class.  It’s a class every business major is required to take and one of those everyone dreads.  It’s not that the subject matter is difficult but more the amount of information that is covered.  The class is what is commonly called a survey…
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Basics Win Fights

Basics Win Fights. A statement I’ve been told by nearly every coach I’ve had the pleasure of training with. In watching the recent UFC matchup between Damien Maia and Ben Askeran I was reminded once again of this tried and true principle. It is precisely why a banner hangs in our jiu jitsu room that…
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Keep Learning

There is a saying that youth is wasted on the young. For myself, I find that to be truer each day especially when it comes to learning and appreciating knowledge. I’ve read more books in the past few years than I had in my entire life leading up. Part of it was I simply didn’t…
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